This programmable XP3 Clock uses Persistence of Vision technology to create images floating in mid air. The messages are displayed by a built in wand that moves forwards and backwards very quick. The tip of the wand is covered in tiny LEDs (light emitting diodes), the wand moves approximately 16 times per second, this is fast enough so you cannot see it but slow enough so the LEDs leave a message as if it’s suspended in mid air.
The XP3 Clock features a programme where you can create your own personal message of up to 200 characters and schedule it for a specific date up to a year in advance, or you can choose to have them daily. Personal messages include 'get out of bed', 'Happy Valentines Day', 'Happy Mother's Day', 'Merry Christmas' and much more. In addition to messages you can also display virtual image flips, scrolls, fades, grows, and crumbles in all different directions, and it can do all this without hardly making a sound.
The message clock can be seen at http://www.crazyaboutgadgets.com/detail.asp?ID=402
See more clocks and watches at http://www.crazyaboutgadgets.com/category.asp?Product_category=Clocks%20&%20Watches
Technical specifications• Four personal messages of up to 200 characters each
• You may schedule each message for a specific date up to 1 year in advance or choose to have them appear daily
• Messages may be reprogrammed as often as desired.
• All messages are retained without power or batteries.
• Variable message display settings
• Toggle your messages on/off or have them display continuously
• Quartz-accurate clock and a 100 year calendar
• Automatic Daylight Saving time conversion is an option, available on or offBuilt-in daily greetings and holiday messages
• Happy New Year
• Happy Valentine's Day
• April Fools
• Happy Mother's Day
• Happy Father's Day
• Happy 4th of July
• Trick or Treat
• Happy Thanksgiving
• Merry Christmas
• Happy Holidays
• Good Morning
• Good Afternoon
• Good Evening
• Captivating special effects
• Watch messages sail by from different directions, fade in, flip over, pulsate or dissolve
• These plus other captivating special effects are generated randomly
• The XP3 clock uses a small 12 Volt-power adapter and power consumption is less than 2 watts!
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