Some bright spark fed up with following convention decided to apply binary principles to time and came up with the Binary Clock. It really is easy to understand and we promise you will be amazed by it. The clock uses LEDs to represent the time. The six columns of LEDs represent the hours minutes and seconds. Believe us when we tell you that any number between 1 and 59 can be represented. The rows when read in binary context start at one then double as you rise e.g. 1 then 2 then 4 then 8. Now we'll really confuse you and tell you that the default setting is in powers of two but you can also set it to true binary and get every minute displayed. Now then!! If you understand that lot, then maybe you should be working for NASA and if you don't understand, have no fear, the Binary Clock comes with simple instructions. You could also try learning Japanese or studying cranial surgery while blindfolded, we hear that's quite easy!Forgetting the fact that it takes a little getting used too there are lots of plus points to this Binary Clock. It also looks superb, is addictive, entertaining and its lots of fun. You can't say that about many clocks can you!
The Binary Clock is available at http://www.crazyaboutgadgets.com/related.asp?product_extra=Binary%20Clock
See more binary products at http://www.crazyaboutgadgets.com/results2.asp?keyword=binary
Technical specifications
• Silver coloured Binary Clock with blue LED lights.
• The lights also have three levels of brightness.
• 12 and 24 hour clock can be displayed.
• Includes an AC Adaptor that plugs into the Mains.
• Size: 10 x 9 x 5cm.
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