Monday, April 07, 2008
Monday, July 31, 2006
High Quality Headphones. Who Needs Them? You Do!
Fit: Fit can make a huge difference in terms of sound quality believe it or not. Ear bud headphones fit into the ear canal but don’t enclose the ear as a result of this other sounds can interfere with what your listening to. In turn ear bud users turn up the volume which damages the ears. Ear buds can also be rather uncomfortable. This type of headphone is the kind that came with your iPod.
An excellent alternative to ear buds are the enclosed model of earphones with padding. This type of headphone contains what is called a dynamic transducer, and in my opinion offers the best type of audio listening experience. Another type of headphones is headsets that fit tightly on the head or wrap around the head DJ style.
Another alternative are the Canal Phones. These are designed to fit comfortably inside the ear canal and provide better sound with more isolation and good bass. Canal phones are considered to be more effective and safer than other headphones. They are able to eliminate most of the external noise. Which in turn means you won’t have to turn up the volume in order to hear it, reducing the possibility of hearing loss. The lesson here is find headphones that block external noise, then you won’t have to turn up your volume!
A nifty feature on some enclosed headphones is a noise cancellation feature. This is used when there is a hissing, or you can hear external noises which lessens your listening experience. All you have to do is flip a switch to take advantage of this feature. The background noise will be cancelled out and all you hear is sweet music to your ears!
Wireless headphones are also another great feature available for people on the go who don’t want to be “tied down”. The one draw back is wireless headphones usually have a small broadcasting range. Try and find one that offers a good range so you can wander far and wide!
Digital phones lead the Internet phone revolution
With digital phones you are actually routing your conversations over the Internet, the voice data being sent through a packet-switched network, even though it feels like you are talking through an ordinary phone.
Digital phones and VoIP services are receiving a lot of attention at present; it is at once a promising technology and an uncertain one.
Regular VoIP phone services are free or at low monthly costs in comparison to regular phone companies. Monthly charges can be as low as $19.95 and international calls can cost only pennies per minute. Because of these pros, digital phones are considered a threat to regular telephone companies and even cellular companies. IP phones, or digital phones, (assuming you don’t opt for the analog telephone adaptor) have many additional features beyond just VoIP service, such as caller ID, back up numbers, telemarketing blocks and silent recording.
At this point in time, however, the world is not quite ready to replace standard telephones with digital alternatives. There are a handful of disadvantages. Not every location worldwide is available or priced fairly, with every VoIP provider; even some local area codes may not be available. Since a broadband connection is electronically powered, a power outage could take out your telephone, unless a universal power supply or battery is available for backup. Dialing 911 has also been a problem for digital phones.
Because IP phones are not able to easily track network users, the emergency number is sometimes incapable of being dialed with the connection. Even though top VoIP companies have worked around this problem by implementing artificial 911 connections that eventually connect to local emergency personnel, the lack of a reliable 911 connection is still considered a major drawback. Recently the top digital phone company Vonage was fined by a court in Michigan over the 911 matter.
IP phones can be affordable, from $70.00 for a simple cordless handset, to over $1000.00 for a four-port gateway voice over IP communication system for businesses. More advanced models for personal or small business use, might cost $150.00 for added features.
A digital phone might be a serious consideration, particularly if you have an Internet connection, a lot of local phone company taxes, and hefty long distance charges. A digital phone combines all these fees into one low monthly cost; and it is a substantially lower amount than a traditional phone company charges.
If you are seriously considering the idea of a digital phone check locally for a provider; not all areas are equipped to handle this technology yet.
Digital Memory Cards Explained
The nature of digital photography means that digital cameras have to store images differently to traditional cameras due to the physical absence of film. Instead of using rolls of film, which are then processed and developed to produce a photograph, digital cameras store their images on memory cards. The main advantage of using a card is that they are completely reusable. Simply transfer the images to your home computer, or erase them. The card is then popped back into your camera and off you go again! However, there are several types of card around, and your camera may even be compatible with more than one type. So, what exactly are you looking for?
What's Available?
As mentioned earlier, many good Digital Cameras (if not all!) are made to accept more than one type of compatible card. Unfortunately the particular one that may have been bundled in with your digital camera will more than likely be a very low capacity card, around 32Mb, perhaps even as low as 16Mb! So it won't be much use to you except as a backup. Do remember that your camera will have an in-built memory, but please don't think this a substitute for a memory card, apart from holding very few high quality images, if you have a problem with your digital camera it is likely the memory will become corrupt. You won't have the option to transfer your images elsewhere like you would if you were using a card. Here's the types of Card you can choose from:
SD Memory Card
XD Memory Card
Compact Flash Card
SmartMedia Card
Memory Stick The SD Memory card has proven a very popular in recent years, perhaps due to their small size and acceptable capacity. SD Cards hold between 32Mb and 2Gb! However, the price difference is certainly noticeable. There is a 3Gb SD Card in development, but it's unlikely to be in the high-street until next year.
The XD Memory Card is slightly newer than the SD Card, however, for all intents and purposes they are very similar in design and function. Many Digital Cameras from the Fuji and Olympus brand manufacturers favour this type of card, although the price can sometimes be a little higher. You will only find the XD memory cards with a 1Gb capacity, but to be honest unless you're a professional Photographer taking hundreds of shots per session, you won't need anything bigger, you simply wouldn't fill it up!
A Compact Flash card is an alternative method to store your images. At around an inch in size, CF Cards are used more and more. Because they are sold in a solid form, meaning no moving parts, they are robust and reliable. CF cards also come in substantially greater capacities than the previous two types and are available even up to 8Gb!! Some manufacturers produce not only differing capacities but also differing speed cards. This allows for images to be recorded quicker which allows the photographer a faster follow on shot. If your serious about digital photography, or need storage in a professional sense, a CF card is your best option.
SmartMedia cards have been in the Digital Photography market for a long time, they are reliable, reasonably priced and come as standard. However, of late, SmartMedia is quickly becoming sidelined for newer more advanced options of image storage such as the Compact Flash cards discussed above. You may find that your Digital Camera isnt compatible with SmartMedia Cards anyhow. Always check your manual for compatibility before parting with your cash!
Last but not least we have the Memory Stick. Originally used primarily in Sony cameras, you may recognise Memory sticks from other devices such as your mobile phone or personal computers. Again, Memory Sticks are available in several capacities and are also available from different manufacturers. As far as Digital Photographers are concerned, Memory sticks are legitimate options for storing images, however they are slightly more prone to becoming damaged due to Memory sticks being physically more frail than its Compact Flash counterpart for example which has a more solid and hardened plastic body.
What size Memory Card do I need?
That's a difficult question to answer in general terms as it depends on the Photographer, the camera you are using and for what purpose your photography serves. Let me explain.. Each and every digital image is made up of pixels, these together will eventually add up to a Megapixels. These large files are measured in Mb (Megabytes), so the more Megapixels your camera has, the more Megabytes you'll need to use to store it. To make sure your camera uses the Megabytes in its memory effectively it uses a process called 'compression'. You may have heard this term before. It is a shrinking process that ensures the memory card you are using fits as much on as possible. On some cameras this compression rate can be set manually, but beware that although higher compression rates mean you can fit more on, it also degrades the picture quality too. Find a happy balance, or better still, let the camera automatically set the rate.
You will notice that higher Megapixel cameras produce better image quality, but use more space on memory cards per shot. Therefore think carefully about how many images you would like to store at any one time, then check your cameras Megapixel rating. For example a 16Mb memory card would hold around 16 or so high quality images from a 2 Megapixel camera, but only around 6 from a 4 Megapixel camera. I would recommend purchasing a 64 Mb card, which would mean you won't ever find yourself missing a shot while fumbling to delete images to free up space!
Three Spy Gadgets Every Homeowner Should Have
GPS tracking system. Spy gadgets in the form of GPS trackers are immensely useful. You can keep them in cars so that if you know where your kids are driving. They are also helpful in the event of your car being stolen. You are much more likely to recover the vehicle if you can track where it is. And today there are GPS tracking systems that are small enough to be carried on a person. They even come in cell phones. Know that your kids are where they should be (and safe) with trackers. Listening devices. These are especially necessary if you are afraid that someone may try to take advantage of a conversation you have had. Recording your own conversations with the help of covert listening devices can help you protect yourself. Additionally, if you have these devices in the form of phone taps and cell phone bugs, you can keep tabs on teenager conversations that might tip you off to unsafe behavior. Devices planted around the house can provide useful audio to go with the visual images from your hidden cameras. These spy gadgets are quite useful for any home owner.
MP3 Players - Many Capable Underdogs vs. the 800-lb. Gorilla
VoIP: Good For The Home?
Normal phone bills can be minimized by using VoIP since it boasts extremely low rates, considerably lower than conventional telephone, whether the calls being made are local or to the other side of the world. Large corporations are taking advantage of this fact massively by installing the necessary software and equipment, loosing the old requirement for traditional conference calls, many faxes etc, whilst incorporating such media tools as streaming video applications. The recent explosion in VoIP use has hidden the fact that this technology has been around for many years waiting to become economically viable.
In terms of families now wanting to give this exciting new improvement on phone communication a go, mostly this concept is a full gone conclusion people are going stir crazy about it. Do they believe all the hype about how it will hugely improve their everyday lives? Is this technology really as impressive, reliable and affordable as is often touted by the sales pitchers? Any unanswered questions alongside possibilities you may not have realized yet are provided here in this article aimed at furthering your understanding of this new VoIP technology. Once you've read everything here you may be more inclined to get out there and purchase, then test run, this communications system.
Initially an internet connection to your residence must be present! This connection must be a high speed one, any of the following varieties i.e. satellite, cable or DSL, not 56K dial up. VoIP can only function properly and transform into your new calling station by following this important advice. Quality loss is just far too significant when attempting to use slower connections such as 56K dial ups. These now fairly antiquated connections simply don't have the speed or capacity required to transfer calls digitally. If DSL happens to be your choice of broadband service, and you're hoping to replace your existing phone service with VoIP, a company known as SpeakEasy has just recently created a VoIP product that doesn't require any already installed phone line.
The second most important requirement is a 'gateway', needing to be connected between your Ethernet modem and computer. Your phone line needs to be plugged into this VoIP gateway to then enable calling to be high quality, unhindered by any potential computer problems that may occur. Many computers have a variety of momentary unpredictable problems, e.g. slow memory or crashes which could significantly reduce quality calling time.
Adapters are available so that VoIP can fit any phone, old/ existing or new. Typically the promoters of VoIP provide sell adapters to reduce the time you may spend shopping around for one. Albeit a great money saving plan, not buying a new phone will probably mean you miss out on the next big VoIP move, video usage in combination with VoIP on phones, a trend that looks set to blow up everywhere. A company known as Packet8 VoIP sells a great video phone in addition to their usual services.
Phone services that have VoIP included typically contain the whole range of great offers and gadgets the current phone services provide. Details cover such aspects as three way calling, voice messaging, your own VoIP telephone number and call waiting.
Key aspects associated with this brazen new feature-full phone technology that you should be aware of are that local 911 emergency coverage exists. This feature may come as an additional extra charge on top of the basic package, hitting your wallet on a monthly basis. Don't commit to a calling contract until you have ironed out all the costs associated with what ever deal you choose.
Lastly, remember that electricity is the fuel your VoIP system uses and the occasional power cut will unfortunately put a stop to its functioning, momentarily. This is the one small aspect that traditional phone calls don't have to contend with, due in part to them containing their own small power supplies.
The future is bright ........... the future is Bluetooth
The Newest And Coolest Gadgets...
Golf Gadgets
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Portable Desktop Fan

Powerful enough to keep you cool and quiet enough not to disturb you. This is exactly what you get with the Portable Desktop Fan.Keeping cool during the hot summer weather is anything but easy. Failing air conditioner units and noisy fans will be a thing of the past thanks to this grill free fan. The body is made of plastic, making it lightweight, the blades are made of soft pink foam so there’s no need for a grill, and because its foldable its really easy to store. We think you’ll agree it’s perfect in front of the pc at home or work, and equally suited to camping trips or holidays. Because it’s lightweight you can literally take it anywhere, and thanks to the adjustable angle and the two speed settings, you’ll be able to set the airflow to your specific requirements.Since it runs off 4 x 1.5volt ‘C’ batteries or a 6-volt DC adapter (not included) you’ll be able to take it anywhere.
See similar products at
Technical specifications
• Foldable desktop fan in pink plastic, set at almost any angle for perfect airflow
• Soft pink foam blades means no grill is needed
• 2 speed control settings adjustable on the side of the fan.
• Requires 4 ‘C’ batteries, not included
• Will also run off a 6volt DC adapter
• Dimensions: 13 x 8 x 15cm
Monday, July 17, 2006
XP3 Message Clock

This programmable XP3 Clock uses Persistence of Vision technology to create images floating in mid air. The messages are displayed by a built in wand that moves forwards and backwards very quick. The tip of the wand is covered in tiny LEDs (light emitting diodes), the wand moves approximately 16 times per second, this is fast enough so you cannot see it but slow enough so the LEDs leave a message as if it’s suspended in mid air.
The XP3 Clock features a programme where you can create your own personal message of up to 200 characters and schedule it for a specific date up to a year in advance, or you can choose to have them daily. Personal messages include 'get out of bed', 'Happy Valentines Day', 'Happy Mother's Day', 'Merry Christmas' and much more. In addition to messages you can also display virtual image flips, scrolls, fades, grows, and crumbles in all different directions, and it can do all this without hardly making a sound.
The message clock can be seen at
See more clocks and watches at
Technical specifications• Four personal messages of up to 200 characters each
• You may schedule each message for a specific date up to 1 year in advance or choose to have them appear daily
• Messages may be reprogrammed as often as desired.
• All messages are retained without power or batteries.
• Variable message display settings
• Toggle your messages on/off or have them display continuously
• Quartz-accurate clock and a 100 year calendar
• Automatic Daylight Saving time conversion is an option, available on or offBuilt-in daily greetings and holiday messages
• Happy New Year
• Happy Valentine's Day
• April Fools
• Happy Mother's Day
• Happy Father's Day
• Happy 4th of July
• Trick or Treat
• Happy Thanksgiving
• Merry Christmas
• Happy Holidays
• Good Morning
• Good Afternoon
• Good Evening
• Captivating special effects
• Watch messages sail by from different directions, fade in, flip over, pulsate or dissolve
• These plus other captivating special effects are generated randomly
• The XP3 clock uses a small 12 Volt-power adapter and power consumption is less than 2 watts!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Binary Clock

Some bright spark fed up with following convention decided to apply binary principles to time and came up with the Binary Clock. It really is easy to understand and we promise you will be amazed by it. The clock uses LEDs to represent the time. The six columns of LEDs represent the hours minutes and seconds. Believe us when we tell you that any number between 1 and 59 can be represented. The rows when read in binary context start at one then double as you rise e.g. 1 then 2 then 4 then 8. Now we'll really confuse you and tell you that the default setting is in powers of two but you can also set it to true binary and get every minute displayed. Now then!! If you understand that lot, then maybe you should be working for NASA and if you don't understand, have no fear, the Binary Clock comes with simple instructions. You could also try learning Japanese or studying cranial surgery while blindfolded, we hear that's quite easy!Forgetting the fact that it takes a little getting used too there are lots of plus points to this Binary Clock. It also looks superb, is addictive, entertaining and its lots of fun. You can't say that about many clocks can you!
The Binary Clock is available at
See more binary products at
Technical specifications
• Silver coloured Binary Clock with blue LED lights.
• The lights also have three levels of brightness.
• 12 and 24 hour clock can be displayed.
• Includes an AC Adaptor that plugs into the Mains.
• Size: 10 x 9 x 5cm.
Inflatable Boxing Gloves

Fancy youself as the next Lennox Lewis eh? That is if you can stop your opponent laughing at you, then you may be able to inflict some serious facial buffeting with these enormous inflatable boxing gloves.
I say buffeting because they are so big and harmless that it would be difficult to inflict anything other than a serious fit of the giggles when using them!
The Giant Boxing gloves are available from
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Lav Nav

For every problem in this world there’s someone out there working on a solution. We’re happy to announce that thanks to the Lav Nav one of these problems has been solved. No longer does anyone have to fumble in the dark to find ... the toilet. For those of you who find hunting around for the light switch in the middle of the night a bit of a pain, or that the light is painfully bright on your poor eye balls after waking up from a deep sleep, then this revolutionary Lavatory Navigation night light is just what you’re looking for!Lav Nav attaches firmly to the lid of your toilet using the adhesive tape that is included. It’s smart, energy-efficient and makes the bathroom safe and easy to use at night, keeping everyone happy! When you approach the toilet in the dark it turns itself on, and when you leave it turns itself off. Better still, it cleverly uses red and green LEDs to show the position of the toilet seat, red when the seat is up, and green when the seat is down.LavNav is not your ordinary gadget, but you’ll be quite surprised at how useful it actually is, it makes the toilet safe and easy to see at night, and shines a gentle light where you need it, when you need it!
Talking Alarm Clock

If you’re looking for a clock with retro styling and actually talks, then look no further than the Talking Alarm Clock. As well as speaking the time this funky looking alarm clock has three other alarm sounds, a Cuckoo, a Cockerel and the last one is a complete mystery, you’ll have to let us know once you figure it out!The Talking Alarm Clock shows the time as well as speaks it, comes with a bright digital display and a suction pad on the base. To operate the clock all you have to do is hit the top of it with your hand and it’ll tell you the time. You may be wondering how can I do this when I’m sleeping? , but don’t worry all you have to do is set the alarm and it will happily go off with any of the three alarm sounds, and is loud enough to wake even the deepest of sleepers. Once the alarm is activated you can switch it off by hitting the clock (preferably with your hand, not something harder), or by pressing any button on the back of the clock.You’ll also be pleased to know the Talking Alarm Clock has an hourly reporting feature, and every hour a female voice will happily tell you the time, this is a good feature, but be sure to switch it off if you want more than an hours sleep!The Talking Alarm Clock can be used anywhere in the home, at work, and is compact enough to pack in a bag to take travelling.
Buy the Talking alarm clock from
See more clocks & watches at
Technical specifications
• The Talking Alarm Clock requires 2 AA batteries (not supplied).
• The Talking Alarm Clock is available in three different colours, Orange, White and Black
• The clock is supplied with full operating instructions
• Height - 14cm, Diameter - 10cm.
• The Talking Alarm Clock comes complete with an hourly report feature
• The alarm function has three different chimes, a Cuckoo, a Cockerel, and the last chime is a complete mystery to us!!
• To hear the time slap the top of the clock.
• To turn off the alarm slap the clock or press any button.
• The sucker located under the base sticks the clock to any smooth, flat or horizontal surface.
Virtually Indestructible R/C Plane

The Virtually Indestructible R/C Plane is one of the most unique planes you’ll find at the moment. Besides looking good, it’s unbelievably light and has two propellers, one under each wing. The Indestructible plane is the perfect plane for first time fliers because it’s made from a special plastic that allows its wings to bend and touch each other without breaking or damaging in any way! This means if you happen to fly into a tree, wall or any other hard object you won’t be left picking up the pieces.The plane can be charged using the remote control in about 5 minutes, which means you can stay exactly where you are, recharge and fly within minutes, there’s no need to go back home or to the car.With the Sky Soldier remote control plane you’ll be able to perform stupendous stunts easily within a 60 metre range safe in the knowledge that if you lose concentration or want to go on a kamikaze mission your plane will come back in one piece!
Buy the Indestructible plane from
See more RC planes at
•R/C Plane with ‘very bendy’ wings and tail
•Remote Control arial
•Rechargeable battery
•R/C Handset
•Charge the plane in about 4-6 minutes from the handset
•Fly the pane between 5-8 minutes per charge
•Up to 60 metre range
•Operates on 27 MHz frequency
•Fly into hard objects at your pleasure without any damge!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Tea Bag Bin

Did you know that every day in the UK the tea bag is responsible for 150 million cups of tea. Yes it’s easily the most popular beverage in the world, and not many people put them in the bin!There’s nothing worse is there than going into the kitchen or team room for your well deserved cuppa and being confronted by a used tea bag tip! A great big soggy mess in the sink that leaves nasty stains, some will even leave their used tea bag on the worktop resting in a stained teaspoon, the cheek of it! Well there’s no excuse anymore, the Tea Bag Bin can end all that mess in an instant! Place the bin next to the kettle and there’ll be no more excuses for stray tea-bags, all you have to do is plonk your used tea bag inside the bin…simple! Made from 18/10 stainless steel (that’s the good steel), the bin has a spring-loaded flap, and a removable lid to allow you to empty it’s contents once full. There are hundreds of uses for a used tea bag too….puffy eyes…soothe your sunburn… tenderize your meat…freshen your breath…stop bleeding gums…soothe skin after shaving…darken grey hair!…the list is endless and we could go on forever but we haven’t got enough room on this page! With so many uses for your used tea bags we reckon you’ll be fighting to take the bin home with you at the end of the day! The Tea bag bin is worth every penny!
Technical specifications
• 18/10 stainless steel tea bag bin.
• Removable top for easy disposal of teabags.
• Excellent at preventing tea bag stains on worktops, and on the waste bin.
• To use, push the tea bag onto the spring-loaded lid
Flower Buddy

In a world where the buzz word seems to be Eco friendly, we’ve found another cute toy that can also be added to the list, the Flower Buddies. These sweet looking buddies are part of a fantastic range of Japanese toys, and run on environmentally friendly replenished energy or sunlight and are a perfect course of relaxation.Each one works on the theory of continuous motion and can perform a variety of different movements. The Flower Buddies' heads sway silently from side to side, while their leaves also gently move up and down in harmony, allowing you to relax your senses and enter into their calming little world. The Flower Buddies are certain to become collectibles, you may find yourself being hypnotised by the bobbing head motion of the solar powered buddies! Just like the Sunshine Buddies they require no batteries as the warm and bright rays of the sun energise them, leaving you to sit back, relax and enjoy their calming influence. Place them wherever you like, whether on your desk at work or even at home, the Flower Buddies are sure to project a little harmony to your life.
See more solar powered stuff
See more toys from flair plc at
Technical specifications
• Each Flower Buddy requires lots of warm, sunny sunshine!
• Flower Buddies work on the theory of perpetual motion
• No batteries required
• They sway silently to relax your senses and invite you into a calming world
Bungee Watch

The Snap ‘n’ Go Bungee Watch is exactly that..If you are looking for something practical for your kids then you can’t go wrong with this digital bungee watch. The Snap 'n' Go Watch comes with three snap on straps made out of Bungee cord and has a smart looking cylindrical digital face. The three supplied Bungee cords each have a different colour, and considering they only clip into the watch face, they are surprisingly tough and won’t unclip easily. The Bungee Watch is the type of watch you can wear and forget about, no matter what you're doing, we think it's ideal for out door activities like camping, climbing, or walking, and if you do manage to lose a strap you'll have two left!
For more watches please visit
Technical specifications
• Each Bungee Watch comes supplied with 3 bungee cords measuring approximately 16cm each.
• Please note watch colours may vary.
Windproof TurboFlame Lighter

Thanks to the TurboFlame GX7, the days of standing in the middle of a field on a camping trip trying to coax a lighter into producing a flame can be a distant memory. The Windproof TurboFlame is no ordinary lighter, and has recently been re-developed for extra precision and reliability. You may be thinking what makes this lighter so special? Well, the 1300°c pinpoint flame can be locked-on to burn continuously as an aid for craftwork, minor welding, etc and whenever constant heat source is required. It’s multi-directional, which means it will light at any angle - even upside down - and keep burning no matter the weather conditions. The safety cap prevents easy access by children and accidental ignition is attached to the body of the lighter by a chain, and provides completely secure closure for travelling or storage. With many emergency uses and practical applications, the GX7's 1300ÂșC flame will cut through nylon rope or seat cord, spot-weld plastic or rubber, defrost a frozen lock, and it even solders/quenches metal. It can be used to wax skis, seal micro-cracks, fuse wires, and can be relied on in windy conditions and for many outdoor uses that would defeat ordinary lighters. At home, the TurboFlame GX7 makes a handy kitchen tool that doubles as a powerful miniature blowtorch, ready to handle dozens of household and outdoor tasks.
Technical specifications
•Cast Metal Case
•Electronic Piezo Ignition
•Wind Resistant 1300°c flame
•Lockable for continious burn
•Adjustable flame length
•Child-safe safety cap
•Lanyard socket
•Can be used with utility stand
•Refillable using standard lighter gas
•Multiple usage:
•Melt glass tube/small brazing rod
•Melts and fuses plastic materials
•Cutting and joining synthetic rope
•Thawing frozen locks
•Lighting fireworks
•Lighting barbeques
•Solid Construction
•Five Year Warrantry
•Butane Refillable
iBeat iPod Earphones

IPod enthusiasts and attention seekers everywhere can now enhance their musical experience with a MP3 accessory that literally brings the music to light. The iBeat iPod earphones look like a normal pair of earphones until you plug them in to your MP3 player. The self-powered illuminated headphone wires can either flash and blink to the beat of your music or provide a constant, coloured flow of neon. Powered by a small battery pack, the versatile iBeat earphones work with all audio devices that take a standard earphone plug including, laptops, MP3 players, portable CD players and iPods' (except 1st generation), iPod Mini and iPod Shuffle. The battery pack runs off 2 AAA batteries and comes equipped with a volume-type small wheel which allows you to control how responsive the light show should be. The second control on the battery pack is a small button that gives you three options, always on, illuminate to the beat of the music, or completely off. The power from the batteries should keep you glowing for about 60 hours.The light show the earphones provides does a good job of synchronizing with the music, lighting up on each downbeat and every other note or vocal, and put on quite a show during a song's crescendo. The iBeat Earphones come equipped with three clear rubber cases (for iPod, mini, and shuffle), the iPod fits on to the front and there’s an extra slot at the back especially for holding the battery pack. The clip functions like a holster, protecting the iBeat and the MP3 player, while giving you easy access to the controls. The iBeat will surprise you by just how much light can come from something as thin as a earphone cable, and you really need to see them in action to appreciate the full effect. They work well as a safety feature if your out jogging, and you’ll also be pleased to know that the iBeats light show won’t use up your iPods' battery.
Find the I-beat earphones at
See more haedphones at
• IPod 1-3
• IPod 4G
• IPod Mini
• IPod Shuffle
• The earphones are compatible with any audio device that takes a standard ear/headphone jack, including laptops, CD players, mp3 players etc
• In the pack you’ll get 3 rubber mp3 player holders
• iBeat illuminating earphones
• iBeat battery powered pack, requires 2 AAA batteries (not included)
Nyko Air Flo Mouse

When you first look at it the Nyko Air Flo Mouse looks like an ordinary two-button scroll-wheel optical mouse, but as soon as you place your hand over it, you’ll feel the Air Flo technology and realise this is no ordinary mouse!Anyone who regularly uses a PC will know that after about 10-15 minutes of ‘mouse usage’, your hand will start to become sticky, or even sweat. If you spend hours on your PC it can be plain uncomfortable. The innovative Nyko Air Flo Mouse allows you to spend as much time as you like on your PC without getting hot or sticky (your hand that is).How does the Nyko Mouse work?The Nyko Air Flo Mouse incorporates a unique air intake and output design. Air is sucked in through the circular vents at the front of the mouse. Using an internal fan, cool air is blown through four vents on the sides and top of the mouse onto your palm, thumb, ring and small finger, which ensures you’ll have a dry gaming experience. This is a great idea, and is perfect for people who suffer sweaty palms or get a bit nervous during those intense gaming sessions.The Nyko Air Flo Mouse even has three different settings, off, low, and high. Off obviously explains itself, low provides a gentle stream of cool air, and high is force 12 on the Beaufort scale, well not quite, but I think you know what we mean!Gamers aren’t the only people who can benefit from using the Air Flo Mouse, web designers, graphic designers, office workers and anyone else who spends a lot of time on their PC can now be perspiration free during those stressful situations.
The Nyko air flo mouse is avaiable at
See more USB gadgets at
See the Street mouse at
Technical specificationsThe Nyko Air Flo Mouse is no ordinary mouse and comes with the following features:
• Unique Air Flo design reduces fatigue and perspiration during work and gaming sessions.
• Dual-button design with scroll wheel
• Ergonomic design ideal for either right or left-hand users
• Accurate, high-resolution 850 dpi optical sensor
•Ventilated rubber grip design for added control